Exh asxliddvg


Asexuality is poorly-understood; in a Sky News poll, 53 percent of the 1119 people questioned felt assured in defining asexuality, but 75 percent incorrectly did so or believed that asexual people just lacked libido.

From citation:

“Each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction and arousal differently and asexuality is a word that asexual people use to help identify and describe themselves.


The organisation describes an asexual person as someone who “does not experience sexual attraction”, meaning they are not drawn to people sexually and “do not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way.”

How is there be a "right answer" that people must know, if every person can define that term differently and the criteria are completely subjective?

The growth of asexual idpol in the mainstream appears to have come from nowhere.

Maybe because it is a simple label to give oneself and be a part of the idpol game.

I believe asexual is a legit reality and they do face misunderstanding and prejudice from the general population.

But then again maybe they aren’t oppressed though. Which is why I feel so shocked by the rise of asexual idpol, which I observed as being very much restricted to Tumblr and other similar sites. I wasn’t expecting the Budweiser or Uber thing at all. Crazy. Though it seems it is just a new identity demographic to market to?

Having a low or non-existent sex drive is absolutely real, and having sexual feelings only in the context of people that someone is connected to is also real.

But as long as Asexualism somehow co-exists as a sexual orientation (which necessitates criteria connected to the sex drive) and as a self definable identity despite some degree of sexual behavior, the line will never be obvious as to just what separates the asexual spectrum from the sexual spectrum beyond a longing for a special category.

What if a person straight up just gets freaked out by the practice of having sex with another person? 

That can result in asexual behavior, though conceptually those are also sexual feelings being aroused by association with sex. It's only that they're chiefly negative feelings.

I mean that I feel that it boils down to what you describe as meaningful prejudice. Society is sort of setup for two income households for instance (not distinct to asexuals I know but BS none the less), but I think the true point for those in the group is attempting to deal with family and friends who insist that they conform or doubt their self reported alignment.

Like if at work asexuals are talked about behind their back about them actually being Queer and just "needing a good ole shagging". I have a problem with this acephobia

Normalizing asexuality is a excellent way to further atomize the population to serve our capitalist overlords. It makes too much sense for Uber to press the issue (due to all of the sexual assaults that commonly happen in Uber rides) though maybe it's riskier for Budweiser since lonely alcoholics are generally too dysfunctional to be effective employees.. However what beer addicts lose in being ineffective workers they more than make up for in being super loyal consumers.

But asexualism is not a sexual orientation.

It seems pretty darn easy to be an asexual, given that the majority of conflict in a food and shelter-abundant society is based around sex and relationships. Just coast through that stuff.

They are sort of trying to subvert the incels,  its the only thing that I can sense out of asexualism.

But, how is it delineate?

Why is ace alright but when someone labels themselves an involuntary celibate and they want to buy a guns it's a red flag?

I believe that asexuality is in large part a by-product of children growing up on the internet. There's entire generations who were introduced to sexuality with furry inflation vore fetishes, etc.

For people in some generations their 'sexual awakening' was raunchy films (like not even pornography, stuff like "Summer Camp Fraternity Vacation" where there's merely lots of breast) and possibly they come across some pornography magazines or R rated films that combine pornography and violence (like Caligula) - this plethora of things is happening at around very young people

I heard a few or more true crime podcasts where they mention various online snuff films, the film with the ice-pick (Luke Magnotta, or something), and that there's all these youth watching them, as some type of 'challenge'. Youth so young that they're more grossed out observing something obscene rather than the truth that it's being used to do sick things. Young people are exposing themselves to things they simply can't comprehend.

So they end up with confused ideals of what's normal. They see people so into 69ing they're erecting fur-suits or BDSM dungeons or putting saline into their rugby-sized ball-sacks. And every one of these people claim what they are doing is 'normal'. 

The one thing they know for certain, is that they don't got the same boundless appetite for sex that all the broken down, horny peeps online do (since they're so young they don't pretty much have any appetite, just curiosity instead).

They feel an urge to explain what they see as an incongruity, and exist in a liberal 2.0, highly-individualised cultural milieu that rewards id over personality. And this leads to them self-describing as "grey-a demi-romantic" because by this point nothing else makes sense.

Others views on this Wikipedia article and my reaction to their views

Some leftist anti idpolers have such a wild imagination that they see Asexuals as “incels, but with oppression points and not with oppression demerits”.  These left wing anti polers who say this say that they heard “some aces are technically ‘volcels’”

They go on to say that the key difference between an incel and a volcel is n-no , it's not like they w-wanted to have sex ever or anything…Sour grapes.  So in their sticks and stones words, “asexuals are only dishonest incels.”

Some left wing anti idpolers go further and blabber that “asexuals are more describable as incels who rationalize their somewhat different lifestyle with a shroud of identity”

My reaction to these acephobic left wing anti idpolers above asexual -incel false equivalency? Something tells me they don't get what asexual means

At least these left wing anti idpolers are giving non binary people a fair share of thought to erase them. Usually non binary people are just forgotten in their talks around trans topics. /s

Freaking heck, those acephobic left wing anti idpolers post the definition of social issues that asexual people face and then proceed to prove it right. It's basically a full thread of r/SelfAwareWolves material. It is uncanny.

Yet these acephobic left wing anti idpolers appear to rightfully accept binary transgender people. So, you left wing anti idpolers , you go on and on about how aexuality cannot be a reality because the criteria for defining Asexuality is subjective? Guess what? That applies also to the criteria that is used to diagnose gender dysphoria and we know that Transgenderism is a reality

Also nice to see a bunch of non-binary erasure in there too. Although by nice, I actually mean totally disgusting.

These acephobic left wing anti idpolers actually are the only people who are playing identity politics in their smearing of asexuals as incels. These left wing anti idpolers are freaking doing this by policing asexual people’s identities. Since when do left wing anti idpolers go around policing people's identities?

These left wing anti idpolers are stupid part for doing this, since they're too misguided to realize that it's the policing of identities of people, that causes the divisions that are attributed to this Asexual type of idpol

It’s like these acephobic left wing anti idpolers think that someone who is incel does not have sex, and that ace people does not have sex, that asexuals are incels.

A lot of asexual people do in fact have sex. Even if they do not enjoy it. If only for the sake of remaining in a relationship.

People could dislike the act and still offer enthusiastic consent caz of love driving said consent

I do laugh forever @ the left wing anti idpolers saying that “incels =asexuals” LOLLOLLOL

There are Asexuals who can get laid if they so wished, that’s the difference between asexuals and incels, ,

To be charitable, most of incels might be able to get laid, but only if they began to practice better hygiene and to treat women like human beings. But naturally, incels never will, so...

It's rare that I see acephobia, though when I do see it, it's terrible and offensive every time

Some Asexuals say that personally they are certainly not oppressed. Though, they just might haven’t experienced it because they don’t feel a desire to make their sexuality their entire identity and to tell everyone they meet about it.


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