Exh gevgttghh

The Yellow man in this screenshot is basically genderless while the brown man is hyper-masculine . Those are the stereotypes that the wokeists advocate, right?

emp trans magender lia

"But, everytime: Confess and Reveal."

 Eastcels: If you are going to appropriate MGTOW culture,  then get it right CHAD

I initially assumed that it was masculinity=fash in ACTUALLY Brown SA shirts=negative. But I changed that to my above interpretation with hyper charged exotic,  social abstract concept that is made up by society with no material basis that is an immaterial spirit, a figment of the imagination type of masculinity and yellow androgynous people who use ant like colonizing with styled racial essentialism is even better.

Salmon chick is curvy with a backwards baseball cap.

Studies have shown that racial and ethnic stereotypes about testosterone on average are different than historically thought. Which should be proof of how useless, wrong and inaccurate racial and ethnic stereotyping is 

All of the average levels in testosterone are different via extremely little amounts, though, also and I would imagine individual levels are the actual factors.

This screenshot is offensive since it is basically saying “You know, you got your true women who look like barbie and your true men who look like GI Joe, and in between that is plenty of pansies and queers and the sort who aren't into sports OR baking."

This screenshot is saying “Broke: The Gender binary.

Woke: The Gender spectrum with two ends.

Bespoke: The Bimodal gender distribution with Jordan Petersonian types of characteristics.” In some persons model genders is an infinitely dimensional vector space. But, I am so five-years-ago.. Like, not being able to relate to linear algebra jokes is some kind of bigotry, right? Iwould like to apologize in advance. Listening & learning, but staying strong. In mine it's not here anymore because I'm part radical feminist

Or possibly "gender" is just a meme and there are only 2 biological sexes.

We need feminism to counter the rhetoric of this screenshot .We need Radical feminism to help abolish  gender. I support Gender abolition

Though sadly, this is a police training session diagram in the screenshot: https://mobile.twitter.com/SgtCOwens/status/1095276172093603840 (Implying that the police would really even try to do the right thing)

Isn't this stuff in this screenshot from Mermaids, the transgender org that did a charity livestream that AOC showed up on?

I acknowledge glinner can be a hardliner sometimes, but it's too upsetting that people didn't listen to what he was saying about the charity instead of throwing a hissy fit and giving them a bunch of cash.

But what is the issue with mermaids? Ootl

There's issues with the judgement of the founder. A family was referred to her and it was completed with a judge ruling that she no longer can have contact with the family or the kid.

She also took her kid to the US for cross sex hormone care when they were of an age that the UK considered them too young so thus it was was not legal. She also took the kid to Thailand at 16 to have SRS, which is now illegal in that country for people of that age.

Moreover, she cites suicide questionable stats

So, I feel that people ponder on whether she has private beliefs that aren't going to be different if new evidence comes forth. And, whether or not she has the ideal judgement and should be looked at as an expert who is training the cops, etc. There's some food for thought for persons on both sides of the issue.

counter point: Taking your kid to a country where they are able to get the treatment they need is a fully normal practice if you live in a country that does not allow for it.

Like a small kid with a friend who was in need of surgery to go no.1 normally, and the time it would take for them to receive the blessing they needed to have it in the UK was very much long for the parents, who had to live with a kid who was in physical distress each time that they used the bathroom, so they went to Turkey and had it straight away. I could imagine if those parents ever created a charity that someone had an ideological disagreement with, they also could turn around and paint this as 'TOOK THEIR KID TO ANOTHER COUNTRY FOR A NON LEGAL SURGERY!'

This type of tactical smear is simple to see so that it only has its intended effect on people who want Mermaids to be bad, or people who are authentically concerned but don't seem to have enough knowledge about the issue to actually get them to check anything. 'well I found some bad stuff out'. It's not going to be effective on any person who has any understanding of trans issues or who has to really live with a kid who is growing up with gender dysphoria.

Well that's just awesome, more darn woke cops to go after people simply for misgendering woke Liberal 2.0 kweens. People played some b.s game for 57 straight hours just for this?

I once clicked a link to one of his vids where he was arguing against the fact that soy emasculates males. But he seemed like a malnourished toddler with Bette Davis eyes and I really couldn't trust his points about diet and fitness.

But still, soy is harmless, but Hbomb seems like he or she lives completely on a sub 2000kcal/day diet of only energy drinks and processed rice cakes.

Argumentum ad hominem, is a fallacious argumentative strategy that genuine discusses the topic at hand by straying from it by instead going at the character, motive, or other personal attributes making said argument, or persons who are associated with said argument, instead of attacking the substance of the argument itself.

Well dang, looks like I'm getting thrown off the debate team here.

Fallacy fallacy. Stuff can be fallacies, doesn't make it inaccurate though

The ad hominem fallacy does not play if the topic at hand in the debate is a personal attribute. The opposite of believing that dissing someone in a debate is fallacious also. Truly try to research the ad hominem fallacy instead of just reading off the two sentence summary on "Your handy guidebook to logical fallacies"

More, based on this screenshot: Ah, the classic 1-12 scale

Base 12 is truly way more optimal for maths. Though we only have 10 fingers

But I should monitor my ableism , not every person is dactylnormative

What do I mean? Furthermore "more optimal" is the same as saying "more best". I am saying that divisible by 1,2,3,4,6 instead of only 1,2,5 is pretty neat

Are the shoulders really getting freaking broader as it approaches 12 in this screenshot?

The waists are getting smaller on the left too.

These screenshot images the more right you go in this diagram don’t reflect real life women.  But whateva just the concept is what the feminine ideal is

Only if you squint, however. I adore how 6 and 8-12 are nearly indistinguishable due to the "male is the default gender, plus don't you be ignorant of folx" narrative, is plain orthodoxy in our time. Lordy how we have "progressed" in mere 10 to 15 years.

What I mean it is amusing at least in this sense and not difficult to distinguish, its what is behind them in spirit

Shoulders are skull adjacent now

This screenshot is but a bimbofication pH scale and thus is offensive , offbase and rude

One question I got with this screenshot is: but at one moment did gender stereotyping go from cultural constructs to be abolished to immutable truths?

20th century wokeness: "How about we get rid of the stereotypes and labels and we live our own lives how we see fit?" 21st century wokeness: "Identity and labels are intrinsically connected. WE ACTUALLY NEED MORE LABELS!!!" /s

Gender neutral toys and clothing was a real thing in the 1970s. I believe it was in the 1980s when stores descended into the blue/pink divide that is prevelant today.

This screenshot is when the queer people had amnesia about what feminism is actually about.

The powerpoint slide in this screenshot claims on the very top that it's dealing with gender identity so I believe, if so they are talking about masculine/feminine type things. 

Like Arnold S is more masculine than Audrey Hepburn, and you can address this idea without acknowledging their private parts or even their personal identities. Basically someone that wears dresses and makeup and has more feminine qualities than someone that doesn't/isn't into that, but that does not make them more of a woman, if this makes any sense.

Arnold S is also more masculine than Michael Cera, however that does not mean that we should id Michael Cera as some type of half-man or scrawny-boy gender. The point is they are still both men 

This screenshot tries to categorize societal notions of femininity/masculinity on some scale. Now how come the police need to know these kind of things, I have no damn idea. Expanding on this: I'm thinking of gender expression. If they are saying that buff guys are inherently some sort of different gender/identity than scrawny guys then that's pretty damn stupid.

If people don't acknowledge or see some type of biological basis for gender then they don't have any basis for the concept of gender dysphoria, correct me if I’m wrong. So I'd guess you can probably tie this change to the acceptance of that idea. On what I just wrote,  does it seem that when the study of neurobiology and gender advanced to the point where it was seen that radical social constructivism became just as unsupported scientifically as absolutist bioessentialism?

Anyway, this is just an infographic that is using commonplace cultural symbols for "man" and "woman" to denote gender identity. There's nothing that I am seeing where traditional gender stereotypes are natural and unalterable.

Bioessentialism appears to be a large part of the modern trans movement

It's for sure my issue with that Also if you criticize that, you're the one speaking that is being gender essentialist somehow. I'm referring to online spaces such as reddit and twitter, but I can’t see how common it is among the average trans person.

My hypothesis is that the way Social Media breaks down demographics into simplified-sized checkboxes which might in theory define any would be user has built the "authentic" existence of gender back into discourse and the method that people think on it. That's the reason people get so touchy about someone "denying their existence" simply by arguing against the way that they believe gender categorization functions.

I've certainly observed that there's a huge focus in many online communities with people who want to fit into discrete identities

I've consistently seen this sort of gender discourse fully backwards and I’ve been unable to read into why people like to fit themselves in these labels, however I've been a regular lurker for tumblr, reddit and leftychan pretty much side by side ,and been able to adjust my goggles to fit the "narrative" of each site without difficulty. Possibly there is a link in that, per my hypothesis - I don't get it because I've not been able to fit my narrative into only one checkbox, so I cannot relate it to my lived experience.

But Facebook particularly is fundamentally an ego-building type of website. Not in the sense of egotism, mind you, but in that you literally construct a version of who you are and that you show to the public. This formalizes a process that we in general would undertake implicitly by our acts or self descriptions.

So on Facebook, people declare their identity explicitly, without it being implicitly discovered. This is a positive feedback loop. 

A person declare an identity, then people react to that person declaring that identity as if the person inherently is of said identity and they react to this in an internalizing way. Whether that person is receiving positive or negative reactions, this builds the identity as a social and emotional reality.

So you just might say that this is how identity functions in general, and that's correct. But people don't usually interact with their identity in a formal way except in legal documentation. By building that bureaucracy into social interaction, Facebook renders explicit categorization as the most vital part of a functional identity.

This appears with anti-trans also. It is achievable to advocate on the behalf of trans people without delving into bioessentialism .But, to be honest it isn't as widespread as we want it to be

But it is a very hard challenge to advocate on the behalf of any identity group without essentialism.

But the issue is, that when one says that gender isn't connected to biological sex, how does that person define gender identity, if they do not do so by society's stereotypes? One answer might merely be the feeling of a person being in a particular gendered body.

Whats is ”gendered body”? I hope people reading this don’t think I am going to flat out deny that there is a real thing such as anatomical gender difference, becaz I do not. I only do not know what a gendered body is.

Results from one particular study showed that trans women's brains had areas that were closer to natal women's brains. However, when it was controlled to account for sexual orientation, it found that the only brain area that was affected was in relation to self perception. 

I believe a person’s perception of self does not match their physical self when dysphoria occurs. That's the reason that I don't view the scale that is used in the screenshot as effective. For one thing, we have to all be able to express ourselves in any way that we want without us being labelled masculine or feminine. And the other thing is, I believe that a man could have dysphoria and desire to transition without necessarily desiring or having a need to express our culture's concept of femininity. But stil they’d embrace it up to some point since it feels right

According to the screenshot at level 4, is where you wear dresses but shave your head.This gives me that Amber Rose vibe. About this screenshot, why does the orange man have broken arms? orange man bad (Donald Trump) 

The screenshot cartoon man’s wrists appear to be limp. Literally. The cartoon man's femininity is on display through his limp wrists.

He appears like he's attempting to adopt an intimidating demeanor but doesn't really know the way to do that.

The cartoon man's femininity is displayed through limp wrists.

He looks like he's attempting to adopt an intimidating stance but doesn't quite know how.

Oh sheet oh no here comes Orange Mom

Seemingly the key to growing massive delts is by identifying as barely more male.

Brb cancelling my future gym membership.

If a young boy plays with dolls and likes pink we should maybe transition them into a girl.

This is what truly gets me about this stuff and I’m stoked to see it explicitly stated, and here’s the thing:

“Women are people who do women things (eg, play with Barbies) and men are people who do manly things (eg, play with soldiers)” is functionally and in reality identical to “You literally are what your job is”. You are defined, not in a moral sense, but in your essence, by whatcha do. With this type of screenshot thinking there are no women who are engineers, there are no men who are nurses. It’s bourgeois as F**k.

To paraphrase S Zizek, when Silicon Valley supports your social justice ideas, be very suspicious of what you are actually fighting for.

That’s actually what I tell people who claim that idpol is so revolutionary: if it’s so threatening to capital, why are companies using it literally in advertising campaigns?

Because lots of people, and more of them on the Liberal 2.0 side than we'd care to admit, believe that equality is merely equal participation in Capitalism.

It's amazingly disgusting and horrible how this screenshot via stereotyping is castrating the Queers in a woke way. Wokeness backfires

This is really Mermaids whole sort of thing.

This screenshot screams "If your 5 year old son even touches a Barbie, you better get him transitioned to be a girl ASAP, since he's a ducking girl.". But this is literally so not true.

Much of the mainstream clinical stuff that is geared toward gender identity is reactionary.

This stuff essentially bothers me in a way most online stuff does not, because as a little boy I really did play with my mom’s dollhouses and dolls briefly,and some boys who did that had their parents fight about it and make a big deal out of it that caused those bots a lot of problems when they grow up.

One person online reacted to this screenshot saying “I wasn't a GIRL i just fancied little figurines and arranging things which I do today (hello WH40k). goodness knows where i'd be if i grew up today.

Growing up some of my favorite toys were my Ghostbusters, TMNT and WWF action figures and some males of my era instead had dolls that they loved. Me and them both grew into cisgender men the only difference is that I'm LGBTQ and most of them are straight allies for the LGBTQ 

Hip to waist ratio and upturned pigtails is a dandy measuring tool of how womanly someone is according to this screenshot

This is why some people wesr a corset every day.

Number 7 in this screenshot is astounding. On the one hand the gesture is imploring the bigger numbers not to hurt the male and on the other the hand implications of ‘orange man’ to any person who takes such a chart to heart stick out like sore thumbs

Any other 13s out there want to spree shoot spray this hotel conference room in this screenshot? /s

Now if we can only bring back the marginal tax rates of the 1950s. /s

TIL all female members of the military are masculine. Thanks, wokies who made this screenshot chart /s

I wonder how some married straight moms with short hair who does not ever wear dresses or makeup, and are fully on board with this idpol would feel about being constantly told that there is a sexist chart (screenshot) that claims that she's less of a woman than Barbie.

This, like I'm pretty sure she doesn't have someone telling her these things. Like just turn off the cpu lol

First they came for the gender non-binaries, but I did not speak up for them because, as they've repeatedly made crystal clear to me, I'm just a "filthy cis-person"

Then they came for the trans people of color, but I did not speak up for them because as a white, my support was to them "tone deaf".

Then they came for the upper-income, white, straight corporate female Men’s Lib activists, but I did not speak up for them because of the fear of me not being a radical cheerleader for #MeToo or me called a false ally.

Then they came for me, and there wasn’t anyone left to speak up for me since those other groups turned out to support the actual oppressors once the capitalists came for them and propped them up as the tokens #diverse spokespeersons for their stupidlib neoliberal ideology.  /s

I keep expecting to see more to non-binary gender identity, but nope, this is it. If you're not the stereotypical person in this screenshot ,you somehow belong to an oppressed grouping and require special protected status.

One time I knitted a hat, and another time I fixed a pickup truck, so apparently I'm non-binary. Where's my government handout?

This screenshot makes me want to tell youngster and remind them that they can dress and look however they want to. And they do not need to be a certain gender to do so.

99 percent of trans stuff emphasizes that gender presentation is different from gender id, probably to a degree which would piss of most left wing anti idpolers

Looky at the schnoz on number 5 in this screenshot

No room for Shrek in this screenshot world

If I knew that "GI Joe" was an available gender identity,  I would have chosen that identity a very long time ago (even though I hated GI Joe as a kid, I wouldn’t have hated having that identity)

Oh, I see it's the weekly cross post from GenderCritical...

This is screenshot chart is more reductive than a simple gender binary that is less detailed.

7 in this screenshot is fabulous

Dictionary result for woman

This screenshot chart is based of a sexist dictionary where they define adult human females as liking the color pink, barbies and dresses . This screenshot chart further defines women by saying the more they like those things, the woman-er they are See gender identity spectrum chart.


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