Exh hrfgtvbhh



This is because the messed up propaganda situation where being in favor of the right to self determined abortion is the same as being pro abortion. I favor the right to self determined abortion, I am not pro abortion

I am 100 percent positive that some of these youngsters think that abortion is something they wouldn't personally do., and so they are "pro-life" They do this without ever thinking whether or not it should be a right to be able for people to decide for themselves.

Sign on the bottom right “I am the pro-life generation” Yeah, pro life generation that is being held by a woman whose own generation by far believes in pro choice (according to public opinion polls at least , though my the vast majority of my abortion views that I mention in my blog are to the left of the vast majority of people in her generation). To me these are just lame.

Second sign on the bottom right "LGBT+ rights start in the womb"

Lol Okay, does that mean it's OKAY to abort cisgender babies? Because we can see what genitalia they will be attracted to when they are nothing but a bundle of stem cells, yes?

Some lesbians think that it’s annoying as heck to see these people hijack the LGBTQ movement to attempt to support their pro life agenda. It has not one thing to do with LGBTQ rights.

I seriously can’t believe you can be pro life and feminist. Pro life is so sexist to the woman and values a clump of cells over a woman’s future or even life.

But really, aren’t we all just a big clump of cells? Well yes and no, we are conscious, intelligent, and developed, and we can think, feel, and have emotions. More like star stuff

I have to point out... most pro-lifers rightfully accept abortion in cases where the mother's life is in danger

How dare they want to protect babies from harm. I am an utter monsta for me reacting to this photo as negatively as I have

It is understood that fetuses not babies but instead are a ‘clump of cells’. Even if “they can feel pain” the fetus doesn’t even have a clue if they will be born or even if it exists really. It is said that a fetus is just a parasite feeding on the pregnant woman for its survival. So if you see abortion in that light, abortion should then be treated like parasite removal be able to happen deep into pregnancy.

Though once again I sound like a bloodthirsty monsta. Me platforming views that paint an innocent life as a “parasite”

“Clump of cells” is not a clump of cells in the third trimester after all

I can see why fetuses are evidently not alive in fellow pro choicers books since fetuses don’t make conciousness efforts to exist, nor do fetuses have any sentience (but rocks do?). Fetuses are just unborn babies who are conveniently dehumanized to be creatures who are relying on substance to live. Nothing more nothing less.

At least in the later stages extreme pro choicers stop referring to fetuses as clumps of cells and switches to referring to fetuses as fucking parasites. 

I do note that a fetus does not give any benefit to the pregnant woman other than pain. Pregnant woman feeling giddy about their pregnancy and the pain that comes with it, to me is a variant of Stockholm syndrome that’s perpetuated by a society that paints pregnancy as beautiful even though in actuality it’s gross and icky and destroys peoples’ body.

Though I am against eugenics. But I believe that people should be required to have a license for having a child,  this is because there are a lot of bad parents out there.

Pregnancy is not evil, it is good since it is giving birth to a new human life :-j. 

Pregnancy is painful and disgusstable. Giving birth to new life absolutely means not a thing . Society makes it out in order for it  to “mean something” but there’s no such thing as purpose or how important something is.

Get out of ur bullshit mindset set by most people and think for yourself on how dangerous disgusting and painful pregnancy truly is. Mothers_gae_4life

Now I am not saying giving birth is evil but I’m saying it’s a gross and painful process and it should not be fetishized by society at all. Birth after all is a dangerous process that really brings damage to the woman. 

Also what’s the laser guided importance about bringing life to the world? It cannot be about continuing the population because that won’t affect us at all since by the time that’s an  “issue” we will be long gone 

Moreover, saying stuff like “babies are nice” and whatnot is also naive since babies also bring stress into the lives of parents. The parents can finally be completely at peice when their child leaves to go on he/she’s own as is the case virtually all of the time. 

To add to this, giving birth is a big financial hit because people have to take care of a baby. Parents are just chucking their baby into an auto worse life a lot of the time. Again they’re no reasons that jump out at you to have a child.

Just by looking at the website of the pro life group in this photo,  they appear to be one of those neoliberal, for profit "change" organizations that enacts social change by ... selling shirts and rubber bracelets. Capitalism is truly at the stage where it sells social activism for profit

These "feminists" are 100 percent fake. They trick me time and time again by appearing to be more legitimate. But no feminist would ever be pro life. Though then again, why would one particular feminism sect (Lesbian feminists) be pro abortion?

These pro life leftists in this photo likely stupidly believe that Bill Maher is the farthest to the left you can go.

God it's so difficult to have any type of nuanced discussion about reproductive justice without trolls like this telling people they're the biggest feminists on the block, really.

Something about these pro lifers in the photo screams "paid actor". If so they are good actors 

Second sign on the bottom right "LGBT+ rights start in the womb" . I suppose more gay sex will lead to less pregnancy...

People like the pro lifers in this photo are why Joseph Stalin had to have gulags

Before pro lifers like these photo pro lifers think about clamping down on abortion. I would like them to address sex education and widespread access to birth control.

The best method to reduce the number of abortions would be contraception for people who do not want to have children and a society where people who do want to have children are able afford to have them. I have an inkling that these pro life individuals in this photo and their pro life allies only care to talk about criminalizing abortions

Now I will talk about why these photo op ‘leftist’ pro lifers are not as big of an anomaly as one may think.

For example, for me, being pro-life friendly  is just a natural fit with leftism.(But at the end of the day I am soft Center Left pro choice) 

Left-wing values that I uphold, include the type of collectivist thinking like I am alright with, questioning (and then abolishing) hierarchies, and defending the vulnerable.

Right-Libertarians believe that it's most ideal for people to be free to pursue their own rationalized self-interest as individuals by using voluntary exchanges with other individuals with little outside (typically state) interference, since individuals are suited better than anyone or anything to know what would be in their personal best interest. And I generally agree, but since I am a Left Libertarian:

Now for me though, as a left-winger I also believe that a purely individualist analysis is ignorant of the power dynamics that surfaces between different classes which make such exchanges irregular and less than voluntary if they turn into vulgar voluntary exchanges: generational fortune, anti blackness structures, the private monopoly on the means of production imposed by the threat of state violence, etc.

In my honest opinion, I believe that the three values I outlined dovetail super well with me being as pro-life friendly as I am, seeing as what I consider the unborn are much vulnerable and "can legit take your life you on a whim" is likely the most understandable example of a hierarchical power dynamic. 

The notion that the lives of what I consider the unborn don't deserve protection for the reason that they cannot survive on their own betrays an exceedingly vulgar individualistic way of thinking, not too distant from the idea that people who are not able to work deserve to die out on the streets if they can't find people who are charitable enough to provide housing for them. 

The worship of a person’s vulgar individual's freedom of personal choice never mind how other people are affected negatively also isn’t well suited for left-wing thought. Heck, the pro-choice thought of "evictionism" references head on the class-based power discrepancy that exists between landlords and their tenants.

Now I am not saying that being pro-life is not consistent with being right-libertarian; right-libertarians worldview still adheres to the concept of a non-aggression principle. 

However,  and to drive the ‘pro life friendly’ is better suited for Left Wing thought than right libertarianism I will end this point on the following.

The concept that each woman should choose individually whether or not having an abortion is the correct decision for her, that abortion is an emancipating action that assists women in fulfilling their own self-interest, and that a mother choosing not to have an abortion is engaging in a charitable act are all suited even better for a right-libertarian mindset than they are suited for a left-wing mindset


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