Exh rebttthkkk

 The serf possesses and utilizes a tool of production, a portion of land, in exchange for which he or she gives away as a portion of his or her product or portion of the services of his or her labor. 

The proletarian works with the tools of production of another, for the account of said other, in exchange for a portion of the product. The serf gives away, the proletarian obtains. The serf’s existence is assured, the proletarian’s existence is not not assured

The serf is competition from the outside, the proletarian is completion inside of it. The serf liberates himself or herself in one of following three ways: either he or she flees to the city and in the city becomes a handicraftsman; or, as opposed to products and services, he or she gives money to his or her lord and so is now a free tenant; or he or she overthrows his or her feudal lord and himself or herself is now a property owner. To sum it up, through one route or another route, he or she comes into the owning class and is entered into competition. The proletarian liberates himself or herself by abolishing the competition, private property, and every class difference.


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