Exh whssdredg

That Iraq had WMDs (refuted here)

Alt Right’s lies debunked (see here and here)

Steele Dosier (just because 45 stole the 2016 election doesn’t mean the Steele Dosier was true, which it wasn’t)

Alt Right claiming that Pizzagate was true (refuted here)

The Azoz Battallion aren’t Nazis (refuted herehere, here , here and here)

That Sam Seder posted evil things on Twitter years back (refuted here and here)

The Jussie Smollett hoax (refuted here and here)

There was a hate symbol in Bubba Wallace’s garage

That the MAGA Covington teens harassed a Vietnam war vet (refuted here, here and here)

That the FBI had no role in the plot to kidnap Governor Gretchen Whitmer and that plot was textbook rightoid extremism in the age of Trump (refuted here)  

That 45 called fallen WW I heroes ‘losers’ and ‘suckers’, refuted here and by John Bolton who was with 45 there)

The lab leak story was a ‘conspiracy theory’ (soon to be refuted here, here and here)

That 45’s border agents whipped migrants (partially refuted here)

That 45 saved nuclear secrets at Mar-a-Lago  

Alt Rightoid Richard Spencer’s claims that he isn’t a racist (refuted here)

The whole Russian bounties on US soldiers in Afghanistan thing (shaky/non conclusive whether its true, here and here)

r/The Donald subreddit being a non bigoted and legitimate subreddit (refuted here)

That the Hunter Biden's laptop story was really Russian ‘disinformation’ (refuted here and here)

Andrew Cuomo handled the the pandemic with great leadership (partially refuted here

That 45 built the cages for migrant kids (refuted here)     

That Alt Right’s claim that Donald Trump is Pro Jewish (refuted here, and here)

Washpost calling a militant or possible terrorist an "Austere religious scholar" (proof here)

The Liberal 2.0 MSM saying Darrell Brooks in his SUV accidentally killed parade marchers after he fled a knife fight  (refuted here and here)

That the Alt Right media machine The Gateway Pundit is real news and not fake news (refuted here)

That 45 used teargas to clear a crowd for a bible photo

The Alt Right media claims that link the CRT to the white genocide conspiracy theory (refuted here)

That "Don't Say Gay" was literally in a Ron Desantis’s bill

Denying the riots and looting at the BLM protests (though the looting was justified and riots were enflamed by right wing counter protestors like Kyle Rittenhouse)

That BYU students hurled racist insults at Duke volleyball player  (refuted here and here)

Liberal 2.0ers may report things which were refuted, but Rightoid Conservapedia actually pretends that their ‘alternative’ facts fake news in their articles were actually proven correct later on by MSM/Liberal 2.0ish sources .But Conservapedia either wasn’t obviously proven correct those times or if they were proven correct on issues those were minor issues where being proven correct doesn’t disprove that Conservative is anything other than how Wikipedia describes it, see here


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