Rw help

To Right Wingers, skip the slow march toward being Liberal 2.0 and come straight to the non Liberal 2.0 left. But frankly be whatever political identity you want as long as it is voluntary

I may not be George Will or Alex Keaton but in this post I lay out the common ground we have in terms of textbook conservatism 

According to Glenn Greenwald : “I would be on [Fox News] every day if I didn’t say no sometimes. Why is that happening? It’s bizarre. You look at any article on my work and it’s “far leftist Glenn Greenwald” and now I’m the most frequent guest on Tucker Carlson’s show. How did that happen? I think the reason is so many people on the left and on the right . . . have so much more in common in terms of their political views and their common enemies than either want to recognize. . . . Those old labels [left and right] don’t really tell us much anymore.”  A lot of Right Wingers want to leave the uniparty (see this), then if that is what they want they need to go left of the Democrat Party

The left , liberal 2.0 and the right both recognize that we have a sh*t system and cringe society, the left has the answers and explanations, liberal 2.0ers too, but the right is confused and still blaming Jews or immigration or whatever else the bourgeoise has planted as an enemy instead of themselves.

A lot of right winger actually hold lots of leftists values they just haven’t identified them as being leftist values

Right wingers can sense the system collapsing around us as well, they just don’t know why (or they think it’s because of “Marxist corporations” or whatever). 

"Yeah rightoids in leftist splaces is mostly why I stopped coming to said leftist space. I have nothing in common with these people and never will. Their reasons for coming to our leftist spaces are completely backwards and nonsensical. They are rarely willing to learn and put the real work to become a marxist so what is the point."

I fully realize now how it hurts for some of my fellow leftists to read some of the rightoid takes in leftist spaces. However lefitsts and liberal 2.0ers should never forget how much effort it can take to do what is nothing short of changing your entire view of history, present and future like some rightoids do when they become left wing (or even liberal 2.0)

It's been pretty easy to talk others into being less hostile to 'leftists' and make the distinction between Neoliberals, Marxists and everything in between. Making clear to rightoids that the cost of the cold war was the truth and what that means is also so important to get across. Ideally you don't be anti Christian while you do that ~ et voilĂ 

Specifically a lecture by Gabriel Rockhill about Intellectual world war was very helpful for turning right wingers into leftists or left leaning people, although only with a timestamp around the 30 minute mark - I have seen people change their ways immediately after watching that in an almost comical way. Some right wingers never would never have found it if some rightoid weren't allowed into some leftist spaces

Right Wingers and left wingers sometimes argue for the same exact aims (and thus agree) but in different ways and without even realizing they are arguing for the same exact aims and agreeing on said views  

I honestly believe that you Right Wingers would be happier being Left Wing (the real Left Wing- to the left of the Democrat Party) than you would be as Right Wingers, Blue Dogs-New Democrats or Liberal 2.0ers/Democrats

You Right wingers have to realize if you cannot have a society right of Ronald Reagan, you might as well push for our society to be Left wing (left of the Democrat party), Far left or Post Left instead. Because that is better for you Right wingers than for you being dragged kicking and screaming through Liberalism 2.0 to a Radical Liberal society (which is diagonal from Left Wing)

This is because the answers to your Right Wingers concerns are found in the Left Wing (to the Left of the Democrat party). You American right wingers in particular only have one option besides the Right wing, and that are the Center wing (Blue Dogs-New Democrats, Liberal 2.0, what they call ‘RINOs’) 

Or what you right wingers think are right wing concerns are really Left wing concerns (to the Left of the Democrat party) but since that real Left wing isn’t mainstream , You Right wingers wrongly assume those concerns they have are right wing concerns

Like the radical Right wing in particular could find the true solution to their issue of key inequalities between people to be found on the Left . The Left’s sees this issue as artificial and negative, and that solution by the Left involves making sure that these key inequalities between people are either defended or left alone by the state  

From what I've observed, recently there has been a mood change against Western Marxism and specifically the Frankfurt School by rightoids, accusing them of being culturalists and for being responsible for the failure of working class movements.

It's a shame because it was the only thing that would have stopped rightoids from seeing marxism as some sort of godless materialsm if they actually engaged with it. Left wing anti idpol absolutely converted some conservatives to be left wing because it is quite scary how any conservative concern can be addressed by the wonders of Marxism leninism

And how each eschatological end-state of creation of the abrahamitic religions is essentially a description of Marxism

But you American Right wing has never given much thought let alone gave a chance to the real Left Wing (to the left of the Democrat Party). 

The Left is pro gun, non interventionist (in general), anti statist , wants to get rid of the state (Right wingers are anti gov nowadays), anti corporatist,  either class reductionist or better balances class and identity than the Democrats do, anti idpol/ downplays idpol (non woke or much less woke) including wanting to abolish id categories (no id cats no wokeness or idpol) which means no wokeness

"How do you move us rightoids leftward when most of us righties believe that there is nothing wrong with someone becoming filthy rich through capitalism."

I'd say I will start small with ya'll, to become left wing focus on issues like the shrinking middle class, declining home ownership, and so on.

I find that like me and most other leftists, a lot of you people on the right aren't too fond of the elites, and you conservatives tend to value family. Neoliberal economics hurt and erode families.

I gotta get you rightoids to understand what makes ya'll tick, and us leftists can't dehumanize you. You right wingers are people too, with your own worries and concerns. 

Sometimes you right wingers see the same problems we leftists do but you right wingers filter it through a different lens. Sometimes what you right wingers call communism or crony capitalism isn't too different than what we leftists might call late stage capitalism.

Us leftists won't push the scary S word, you are not ready for that yet, maybe never will be.

As mentioned elsewhere (economic hypothesis section) Left wing economics are much better for you Right wingers than Democrat Party/Liberalism 2.0 economics . Moreover the Left wing is pro LGBTQ in a way that can cure right wing homophobia/transphobia better than Liberalism 2.0 pro LGBTQ ways can 

Why Left is more Right Wing friendly than Democrats/Liberalism 2.0 and Centrism and or how the Democrats are similar to the Right Wing so become Left Wing to leave that uniparty:

Mutualism/Left Libertarian/Left Wing Free Market Anarchism/anarchistic socialism is a Left wing economic system that is more Right wing friendly than Socialism, Communism and Social Democracy + +

The Left Wing SUPPORTS gun rights unlike Liberal 2.0ers/Progressives

Clear up economic stuff in this section of my blog and here

The classless society, that is promoted by Communist leaders and theorists like Karl Marx, is the ideal and inevitable final stage of society, also known as communism (with a small c). In this utopia, the socialist state that has been created and ruled by the dictatorship of the proletariat (possibly run by democratic workers councils and unions instead of a Socialist party) will have "withered away".(or we can use Anarcho Communism to instead of a dictatorship of the proletariat to cause the state to wither away)

In this society, voluntary cooperation would replace coercion so that there would be no need for governments, armies, police, courts, prisons and taxes (which is good for Right wing Libertarians  anti statist right wingers). As each individual fulfilled his or her own desires, they would automatically minister to the well-being of others. In this classless, governmentless society, the slogan is: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his need." See this, this, this, this, this

The transition from socialism to communism, unlike all the other previous transitions, will be a peaceful rather than a violent transition..

Democrats and Joe Biden are NOT Socialist, not even close. See this for more

Shitliberalssay subreddit are left of the Democrat party and they are more real Leftist than the Democrat Party’s Squad. SLS criticize Liberals (i.e Liberal 2.0ers and some Progressives), Centrists and Right Wingers (Chuds) from the LEFT. So as can be seen with that subreddit, Left Wingers hate Liberals including Progresives

Democrats are as Anti China as Republicans. Democrats are almost as anti China as they are Anti Russia see here, here, here, here

On Reddit all  non Tankie left leaning and Left wing subreddits trash Tankies for supporting China as much as those left leaning and Left wing subreddits trash Conservatives and other Right Wingers. See r/tankiejerk, r/leftcantmeme, r/enoughcommiespam, r/politics , r/stupidpol, r/againsthatesubreddits, r/selfawarewolves, etc

China is Anti West, Democrats are pro West

Marxism is not compatible with wokeness, idpol, or Intersectionality 

So Rightoids, become Left Wing to OWN the Democrats and Liberal 2.0ers


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