Mike milllll

If you are a fragile wokie or if you are a Trans person or enby please don't read my rant below , reader discretion avised (I am pissed right now over this Lesbian erasure and eventually I will make this post less mean, less harsh and more positive, uplifting and leftish



Fourth Wave Feminism

I am against JHU wrongly changing the definition of Lesbian from its true meaning  (a woman who is attracted to another women) to its woke bigoted fake meaning (a 'non man' attracted to another 'non man') is sexist against women because it denies a big part of feminism and womanhood, and that is Lesbianism. Homosexuals won't have their definition changed, so that is proof. I will force every corporation, school, movie studio, tv studio, company , sports league , theme park, water park, video game etc to always refer to lesbians as women and to never refer to Lesbians as 'non men' and if they don't I will use violence in my Minecraft game only to force them to comply. Down with Lesbian erasure and Woman erasure. 

JHU is a prime example of how academia is our biggest threat to our freedom. We need to defund academia or maybe even shut these woke universities down forever

I echo the blowback and criticism Johns Hopkins and their ultra pc, woke ,lesbophobic and misogynist Lesbian definition change got herehere (I also agree with JK Rowling on this along with every reply to that thread and the replies to said thread that are also critical and against (or even wary) of this lesbian erasure, woke SJW pc trash.

It is literally woke 1984 . It's time the wokies stepped back and see the insanity. They are trying to force us to be like them through policing our speech and other methods. It's real and I won't let this happen much longer. I am standing up to Big Woke and then I'll win.

I feel like I am in a pathetic woke parody with this woke B.S here. We cannot allow this Lesbian erasure/woman erasure/mother erasure Communism to continue. We have to reject that type of Communism because that is the exact type of Communism that destroyed the USSR , Eastern Europe, Cuba etc during the Cold War. Say NO to Lesbian erasure Communism, mother erasure communism and Women erasure Communism

Lesbian erasure like above and below is radical extremist braindead gender ideology that has NO PLACE in our society. I will ALWAYS refer to Lesbians as WOMEN (which they are) as will 96+ percent of Americans, Canadians, Europeans, Australians, China residents, UK residents, Israel and Palestine residents, South America residents etc

To everyone reading this please ALWAYS refer to Lesbians as WOMEN ,don't let the woke PC psycho path mob get you. This woke authoritarian to use newspeak to force their sick twisted ideas is garbage and has to end. You will never get fired or arrested for referring to Lesbians as women since in the real world away from the woke 2.0 bubble and terminally online tumbler twitter reddit freaksphere NO ONE would ever refer to Lesbians as anything but women , not even officially. 

It's one thing for CRT to be mainstreamed (whatever meh..) and it's base and cool Transgenderism is mainstreamed but erasing sex and in particular mothers, lesbians and women is where I draw a big red bright line in the sand. NO

I will literally force everyone in my family and all of our family friends, friends and other people in our lives who have spend at least some time with us to ALWAYS refer to Lesbians as WOMEN, mothers/moms as mothers/moms etc

If you are non binary you cannot be a Lesbian because you are NOT A WOMAN. You have no gender or sex..Enough with this woke Tumblr junk science of trying to erase sex.

My way of doing this mentioned in the gender section of this blog sphere shows how I want us to go about this and that way does not involve id erasure and woke authoritarian hyper PC trash

I can't believe that these fringe woke freaks are now trying to erase Lesbians at the University level

Any person offended by the definition of Lesbian rightfully referring to women , should be forced to live in a nut house for years until they come back down to Earth

NOT one normal person in the West or ANYWHERE will ever refer to Lesbians as 'non men'. Over 96 percent of the US, Canada, Australia, UK, Europe will ALWAYS rightfully refer to Lesbians as women. 

Besides after Lesbian and Woman erasure these woke soyboy psycho pathetic pieces of garbage will wrongly try to erase Transgenderism via erasing gender like they are trying to do to sex and sexual orientation. 

Imagine being a transgender woman and becoming a Lesbian and then these woke bastards say that said transgender woman is not a real woman but a 'non man'. See how fucked up this is

There comes a time when we have to say enough is enough with this toxic wokeness and PC shit and now is the time. If it becomes mainstream or even somewhat mainstream to refer to Lesbians as anyone but women 

I am going to start up my 'Minecraft game' and confront every woke freak at their homes and work place who are trying to erase women and lesbians . I can't sit by anymore and watch this coutnry burn with this woke terrorism. 

We have to end this woke cultism. They are literally a cult. 96+ percent of Americans and Europeans are against changing the definitions of woman/female and lesbians

Enough is enough with these Fragile woke SJWs

reply from Sandals t

What?  This isn’t just about how other people live their lives. It’s how we have to talk now, made up language we have to use, nonsense fantasy things our children are being taught in school. People putting their heads in the sand have brought us to this point.

John Hawkins




Sorry lesbians, but you've gone down a notch on the liberal hierarchy chart. You are now below trans men claiming to be women. Well below, actually.

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No More O Dis Tripe




So the word woman is now verboten. 

But there's no war on women. 

Free Speech




Child please, there is no such word as ‘woman’.

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More Tweets

Dan Hicks




Let’s all wish my gorgeous wife 


 a Happy Birthday today!  - je t'aime!! 

Len Berman




Thank you 


  for quoting our interview this morning with 


 As usual, Bill was spot on! 



NYPD top cop resignation likely influenced by City Hall involvement: Bratton

“It’s not very clear as to who is running the department," former NYPD Commissioner BIll Bratton said. "You can’t have cops looking up, down and sideways trying to figure out who to report to.”

Art Stapleton





George Hahn




Treat loved his work. He loved his farm in Vermont. He loved flying his plane. He loved his dog Woody. He loved his beautiful wife Pam. He loved his children Gill and Elinor. He loved his life. 

He was a good man, and I’m so proud to have known him. I’m really going to miss him.


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