
Showing posts from November, 2022

Exh jdcbhj


Exh nyfhhuyyghh

There are now Transgender women, who wrongly refer to themselves as ‘women with prostates’. This is due to the stupidity of erasing women and stupid gender neutral language The Transgender women who stupidly refer to themselves ‘women with prostates’ are hypocrites since they whine about wanting "person with a vagina" to be used for cisgender women. You don't need to make reference to someone's genitals in the context of their gender and vice versa. "If you have a shorter canal / haven't had a baby /find X uncomfortable I can do Y instead"  Normal language usage is in general more elegant and thoughtful than "vagina haver" - and so such awkward language becomes a strawman. I dislike "service user" in a medical context, especially in acute services - no you are not here because you had a choice, you are here because some stuff has happened and you must be treated with sympathy, rather than as a purchaser. At least it's gender neutr

Exh dvgghh

Exh hyybjj

   Breaking rigid gender roles is commendable but not compared to being a war hero. Besides breaking gender roles at award shows is a LIBERAL 2.0 stunt and is counterrevolutionary counterproductive

Exh tfgujuyg

  Let’s also not forget how the Liberal 2.0ers are anti parent and want to have the state raise children over the parents as the UN is trying to do . I touch on that here

Exh frghyhhh


Exh deegyrbhh

“I think the more complex something is, the more you really have to drill down into the basics and we want our content to reflect the rich, diverse world that we live in. And, again, I guess that's another way of saying, 'Catering to your audience.' But the world is a rich, diverse place and we want our content to reflect that. And we're so blessed to have the greatest content creators and they see it similarly. "I always say, when someone walks down Main Street and look at the castle, you're not thinking 'I'm on one side of the political spectrum or the other,' You have a shared belief in all the wonderful aspects of what Disney is. I want to use Disney to bring people together, and I think we'll do that by diverse stories and diverse characters."  Bob Chapek I between pardon and accept those LGBTQ media content workers (including allies) who add wokeness to Disney things as mentioned  here . I between pardon and accept those Disney media

Exh rebttthkkk

 The serf possesses and utilizes a tool of production, a portion of land, in exchange for which he or she gives away as a portion of his or her product or portion of the services of his or her labor.  The proletarian works with the tools of production of another, for the account of said other, in exchange for a portion of the product. The serf gives away, the proletarian obtains. The serf’s existence is assured, the proletarian’s existence is not not assured The serf is competition from the outside, the proletarian is completion inside of it. The serf liberates himself or herself in one of following three ways: either he or she flees to the city and in the city becomes a handicraftsman; or, as opposed to products and services, he or she gives money to his or her lord and so is now a free tenant; or he or she overthrows his or her feudal lord and himself or herself is now a property owner. To sum it up, through one route or another route, he or she comes into the owning class and is ent

Exh hrfhurfhhgff

 On "denying how important identity in politics is", or: "even what is identity really?" “Q: You noted the importance of defining racism, but unless I missed it, which is possible, I didn't hear your personal definition. Is there one you would offer us, like how do you define racism?” “A: I would define it as a collection of racist policies, that lead to racial inequity, that are substantiated by racist ideas." [Laughter] "...And anti-racism is a collection of anti-racist policies leading to racial equity that are substantiated by anti-racist ideas.".   Ibram X Kendi ( 2019 ) at "the Aspen Institute of Ideas" "Do I believe in God? Can’t answer, I’m afraid. I’m not being flippant, but I don’t understand the question. What is it that I am supposed to believe or not believe in? Are you asking whether I believe there is something not in the universe (or the universes, if there are (maybe infinitely) many of them), and that somehow stand

Exh exxssvbhyy

 The conflict between "idpol" and class is really simple. You have to believe that one is the outgrowth of the other.  People will either have fixed identities that are rooted in some metaphysical "essence" that’s within their race, ethnicity, gender, etc, and that thus dictates all things in their lives including their class status (the position adhered to by both far right naughtzies and, un ironically, "woke" liberal 2.0ers).  Or you take on a materialist outlook that a person's class is determined by historical tendencies and the method that society is structured, plus that their "identity" is hugely shaped by that too.  To be black or white or homosexual/lesbian, is basically just to define yourself in addition to the power boundaries within the capitalist structure. Irish and Greek people weren't "white" to some other people over 100 years ago, and a few of the most hardcore supporters of the Steve Bannon/Donald Trump noti

Exh ankufvbnnm

Racial categories in the US , in particular the one-drop rule: When the supposedly defining biological notions of race stopped being a thing, race then morphed into an ascriptive "identity."  Before that time, it was posited through a prism of whiteness that races had radically different genetic differences from each other which in turn dehumanized non white races, with different "scientific proofs" being adduced.  Though some races, like blacks were also black, and this made classifying them a breeze, without knowing anything other things about particular individuals or groups.  Later on, blacks became black, but only black. "Black" still had to mean something, though nobody actually knew precisely what that something was anymore, other than the fact that there was a group of people that easily could be identified as "black" upon visual inspection.  Vitally, the one-drop rule remained and this significantly shapes "identity" in today’s

Exh acereggtf

 Biological pseudoscience at one time provided the legitimation weapon for racism.  When people refer to "race science" this is what they typically are referring to. Phrenology and blood quantum tests etc. That's widely chucked at this point, and biologists understand that while genetic populations exist to be used to gauge stuff like risk factors for health conditions perhaps, our racial categories are b.s. Humans are predominantly genetically alike across the globe. Where racial essentialism has obtained its new sought legitimation mechanism is in the field of sociology. At some point over the last 33 years or so sociology jumped off into woke deep end, tracking patterns along populations and then pairing that data with social radicalized populations and then drawing generalized conclusions about "what _______ people in said group are like." Because it's not biology in the evolutionary nature the legitimation weapon can shield itself by selectively (and in

Exh 34903490309j095

1) From  here  “ racial/ethnic compositions. In Study 2, we collected data from 170 participants using an online questionnaire to test the implications of essentialist beliefs for policy support.  Consistent with previous research, we found that belief in biological essentialism was negatively related to policy support for participants from both dominant and subordinated categories. In contrast, the relationship between cultural essentialism and policy support varied across identity categories in the hypothesized way: negative for participants from the dominant category  but positive for participants from subordinated categories. Results suggest that cultural essentialism may provide a way of identification that subordinated communities use to mobilize support for social justice” :   2) From  Wikipedia : Strategic essentialism, a major concept in postcolonial theory, was introduced in the 1980s by the Indian literary critic and theorist Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak. It refers to a politi

Exh 4pt mcrsvnm

With the growth of the nation-state, laws were subsequently passed in the 20th century that constituted a order of the constitutional magnitude which was based on regulating nation wide economies in the interest of each given the citizens of the nation-states. Three different forms were needed in leading countries: liberalism, fascism, and communism.  All three of these forms were various expressions of one and the matching historical trend, which was the increase of the national regulating the economy model at the nation-state level . With the increase of the global economy, though, the nation-state has needed to steadily give up its functionality to regulate the economy at the nation-state level ,and this has done for the state of affairs that is described, which the left doesn’t have a solution to overcome. Politics is necessarily a manner of effecting law, and there isn’t a globalized constitutional order because there isn’t a globalized state that would be able enforce it. What re

Exh hrfgtvbhh

  Cringe This is because the messed up propaganda situation where being in favor of the right to self determined abortion is the same as being pro abortion. I favor the right to self determined abortion, I am not pro abortion I am 100 percent positive that some of these youngsters think that abortion is something they wouldn't personally do., and so they are "pro-life" They do this without ever thinking whether or not it should be a right to be able for people to decide for themselves. Sign on the bottom right “I am the pro-life generation” Yeah, pro life generation that is being held by a woman whose own generation by far believes in pro choice (according to public opinion polls at least , though my the vast majority of my abortion views that I mention in my blog are to the left of the vast majority of people in her generation). To me these are just lame. Second sign on the bottom right "LGBT+ rights start in the womb" Lol Okay, does that mean it's OKAY to

Exh asxliddvg

  Asexuality is poorly-understood; in a Sky News poll, 53 percent of the 1119 people questioned felt assured in defining asexuality, but 75 percent incorrectly did so or believed that asexual people just lacked libido. From citation: “Each asexual person experiences things like relationships, attraction and arousal differently and asexuality is a word that asexual people use to help identify and describe themselves. [...] The organisation describes an asexual person as someone who “does not experience sexual attraction”, meaning they are not drawn to people sexually and “do not desire to act upon attraction to others in a sexual way.” How is there be a "right answer" that people must know, if every person can define that term differently and the criteria are completely subjective? The growth of asexual idpol in the mainstream appears to have come from nowhere. Maybe because it is a simple label to give oneself and be a part of the idpol game. I believe asexual is a legit real

Exh hegyyhbfeed

  My reactions: I think Joe Walsh wrongly believe believes that the most fundamental right of them all: the right to prevent other people from exercising their rights! I support those positive rights, but let’s talk about abusing these rights. I have the self awareness to realize that abusing these rights can lead some people to turn against these "rights" .  Some people feel these rights are at their best when other people are not forced to provide them. There is no shame with living like a rolling stone “Papa was a rolling stone, wherever he lay his hat was his home” Joe Walsh is making a bad faith argument because he is acting like wanting BASIC NECESSITIES is "greedy". There is nothing wrong with wanting the basic stuff to need to stay alive, how can that be wrong? I mean not even luxuries, just absolute basics. Bourgeoise people with Joe Walsh’s type of thinking are like  ”But I can't feel fine about being rich if others aren't suffering. I'm not re

Exh hedvfrchghhj

 Robin Blackburn and other radical of slavery draw on Cedric Robinson’s concept of ‘racial capitalism’, which can be used to balance or provide nuance and context to the Afro Pessimism claim that slaveness and Africanness are one and the same.  In Black Marxism, Cedric Robinson writes that racism was already present in Western civilization prior to the flourishing of Capitalism. So, capitalism and racism grew together from the old order to produce the ‘racial capitalism’ characteristic of the modern world. This new world system relied on slavery, violence, imperialism and genocide for its continued expansion.  The value of Cedric Robinson’s work lies in Robinson’s ability to uncover the contingent relationship between slavery and Blackness: he argues that early European proletarians were racialised subjects from oppressed groups, such as the Jews, Irish, Roma or Slavs, who were all victims of dispossession, colonialism and slavery within Europe.  With the dawn of the transatlantic slav

Exh exptrvhyfeedvgg

 Forced labor is an example of the experience that slaves might have, but not all slaves were forced to work. So if you then move by saying that slavery is social death, by that very definition, then what is social death? Social death has three constituent elements: One is gratuitous violence, which means that the body of the slave is open to the violence of all others. Whether he or she receives that violence or not, he or she exists in a state of structural or open vulnerability.  This vulnerability is not contingent upon his or her transgressing some type of law, as in going on strike with the worker. The other point is that the slave is natally alienated, which is to say that the temporality of one’s life that is manifest in filial and afilial relations—the capacity to have families and the capacity to have associative relations—may exist very well in your head.  You might say, “I have a father, I have a mother,” but, in point of fact, the world does not recognize or incorporate yo

Exh gevgttghh

The Yellow man in this screenshot is basically genderless while the brown man is hyper-masculine . Those are the stereotypes that the wokeists advocate, right? emp trans magender lia "But, everytime: Confess and Reveal."  Eastcels: If you are going to appropriate MGTOW culture,  then get it right CHAD I initially assumed that it was masculinity=fash in ACTUALLY Brown SA shirts=negative. But I changed that to my above interpretation with hyper charged exotic,  social abstract concept that is made up by society with no material basis that is an immaterial spirit, a figment of the imagination type of masculinity and yellow androgynous people who use ant like colonizing with styled racial essentialism is even better. Salmon chick is curvy with a backwards baseball cap. Studies have shown that racial and ethnic stereotypes about testosterone on average are different than historically thought. Which should be proof of how useless, wrong and inaccurate racial and ethnic stereotyping